Tag Archives: John Floyd
How I cut the cord and why I never looked back
I still remember the day my wife Moira looked across the table at me, holding the satellite television bill in her hand, and said “This is getting ridiculous.” The monthly charges were skyrocketing and a comparison with the initial service bill was shocking. Just the night before, I was fit to be tied after realizing […]
Committee to hunters: You don’t have the right to feed your family
Maine bear hunters might get a second shot
This question on the survey really got my attention – “Currently you can harvest 2 bears, one while hunting and one while trapping. If the law allowed you to harvest two bears while hunting, would you attempt to harvest two bears?” I had no choice but to answer ‘yes’. There simply wasn’t an option for […]
Why you soon may be hearing shots in the dark
Beware of the Canada Mountain Bob-Lynx Lion
Want to bag a big buck on opening day? Hunt like an owl.
3 common mistakes turkey hunters make and how to avoid them
You have been out at dawn and dusk for days, using a locator call to make the big toms gobble and give away their roosting trees. Countless miles have been logged walking field edges and tote roads looking for turkey sign like scratches, dusting sites and tracks. You may even be lucky enough to have […]
Maine Moose Permit Lottery opens: Here are 5 tips for your first hunt
The chance for a hunt of a lifetime is once again upon us. The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has announced the opening of the 2017 Maine Moose Lottery application process. This year the proposed allocation of 2,140 tags break down like this – 1,815 Bull-only, 220 Antlerless-only and 105 Any-moose permits. Here are […]
Maine’s ice out vigil begins and how you can help
When I checked my email inbox and saw the message from The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry titled “Maine Lake Ice Out Dates Updated” I just about swooned. While I’m sure ice fishermen would disagree, I look forward to this yearly event that signifies the coming of spring. More importantly, I yearn for the […]