Category Archives: Outdoors & Lifestyle

How I cut the cord and why I never looked back

I still remember the day my wife Moira looked across the table at me, holding the satellite television bill in her hand, and said “This is getting ridiculous.” The monthly charges were skyrocketing and a comparison with the initial service bill was shocking. Just the night before, I was fit to be tied after realizing […]

Keep your feet warm with these tips from the cold feet crowd

I recently asked followers on my Facebook page how they keep their feet warm and to name their favorite winter boot. These are hunters, ice fisherman and trappers for the most part, and if anyone knows about cold feet it is this crowd. While there were varied opinions on brand, most agreed on certain features. […]

Homestead chickens: Lessons learned (Part 1)

When my wife Moira and I decided to raise homestead chickens we already had a fair amount of working knowledge. Building on a foundation of experience stemming from keeping backyard chickens for the last few years, we made the next step to raising a full on homestead chicken flock last year. That ‘step’ actually turned […]

Peaks and valleys: A year in the life on Tucker Ridge

We all seem to reflect this time of year on things past while looking forward to a fresh start. Triumphs and achievements are warmly regarded, while our defeats and setbacks continue to needle us. From Tucker Ridge, I’ve observed and in some instances been involved in some of the major issues Mainers have battled for […]

Living sub-zero: The toughest aspects of winter homesteading

As the mercury plunges and the cracking of frozen tree branches echo down the ridge, my trepidation returns along with winter. I can’t help but wonder, sometimes to the point of minor hysteria, if I’ve made all of the necessary preparations around the homestead for the coming freeze. There is no end to the number of […]

It’s wheeler time! Here are some trails already open and tips to get you started

With winter behind us and mud season not nearly as sloppy as it usually is, the time to roll out your ATV and hit the trails is here! Opportunities for ATV riding throughout Maine have exploded in recent years with many folks, clubs and government organizations coming together to promote this fast growing hobby. Here’s […]

Think blogging is all about writing? Think again.

When I first kicked around the idea of pitching a blog idea to the Bangor Daily News I thought I had a pretty good understanding of what I was getting into. Writing a blog about the things that I love like the outdoors, hunting and fishing seemed like a walk in the park compared to […]

Want to hunt on Sundays? Here’s how to do it.

Just because the whitetail and moose seasons have long passed us by, it doesn’t mean hunters still can’t hear the call of the wild and feel a yearning for the Maine woods. For a lot of us, small game takes center stage this time of year, but with vacation time used up, Saturdays become the […]