Category Archives: Opinion
Committee to hunters: You don’t have the right to feed your family
Maine bear hunters might get a second shot
This question on the survey really got my attention – “Currently you can harvest 2 bears, one while hunting and one while trapping. If the law allowed you to harvest two bears while hunting, would you attempt to harvest two bears?” I had no choice but to answer ‘yes’. There simply wasn’t an option for […]
Beware of the Canada Mountain Bob-Lynx Lion
How sportsmen pay the way for wildlife management
When Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Regional Biologist Mark Caron pulled into my dooryard, I was processing the front quarters of the buck I had taken a few days earlier. As he got out of his truck and grabbed his gear, I jokingly remarked that it sure took him long enough. I ribbed him because […]
Trump tweet is much ado about nothing
Trump really crossed the line this time. His detractors, the Never Trump movement and liberals across America are up in arms over his latest statement. It’s hard to say if he can even rebound from such depravity. What did he do? He encouraged people to buy American. President-elect Donald Trump set the Twitter-verse afire when […]
3 easy ways you could break the law fishing in Maine
Ever since the introduction of laws regulating the taking of game and fish, people who rely on wild game for subsistence along with those who fish for sport have unwittingly broken those laws. What started out to be a reasonable and noble attempt at conserving wildlife has morphed into a complex bureaucracy replete with complicated […]
Peaks and valleys: A year in the life on Tucker Ridge
We all seem to reflect this time of year on things past while looking forward to a fresh start. Triumphs and achievements are warmly regarded, while our defeats and setbacks continue to needle us. From Tucker Ridge, I’ve observed and in some instances been involved in some of the major issues Mainers have battled for […]
How Trump’s visit to Bangor could turn a blue state red.
5 reasons why the proposed Katahdin region national monument is a bad idea
The proposed national monument in the Katahdin region east of Baxter State Park is a bad idea. It’s bad for sportsmen, bad for recreation, bad for timber and bad for Maine. Here are my top 5 reasons to back it up. 1. Federal land use restrictions There are many differences when hunting on federal land […]