All posts by John Floyd

John Floyd

About John Floyd

John is a freelance writer and lives in northeast Maine. His background includes work as a hunting and fishing guide, certified firearms instructor and as a United States Army Non-commissioned Officer. He covers outdoors topics and the politics and policies that affect traditional, rural lifestyle. He can be reached at or on Facebook @writerjohnfloyd

Want to bag a big buck on opening day? Hunt like an owl.

For many hunters, taking a mature 200 pound plus whitetail buck is a lifetime achievement. Big mature bucks are wily and love to prove it to you all season long. If you know there is a bruiser cruising the woods near your stand but can never put eyes on him, take a few tips from […]

3 things you should never enter the Maine woods without

When I first began studying in earnest to become a Registered Maine Guide, my mentor probed my knowledge of the outdoors and experience level. He knew I was an Army veteran with a lot of time logged in the field but noted that guiding clients in the big woods of Maine had its own set […]

3 common mistakes turkey hunters make and how to avoid them

You have been out at dawn and dusk for days, using a locator call to make the big toms gobble and give away their roosting trees. Countless miles have been logged walking field edges and tote roads looking for turkey sign like scratches, dusting sites and tracks. You may even be lucky enough to have […]

Maine Moose Permit Lottery opens: Here are 5 tips for your first hunt

The chance for a hunt of a lifetime is once again upon us. The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has announced the opening of the 2017 Maine Moose Lottery application process. This year the proposed allocation of 2,140 tags break down like this – 1,815 Bull-only, 220 Antlerless-only and 105 Any-moose permits.  Here are […]

Maine’s ice out vigil begins and how you can help

When I checked my email inbox and saw the message from The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry titled “Maine Lake Ice Out Dates Updated” I just about swooned. While I’m sure ice fishermen would disagree, I look forward to this yearly event that signifies the coming of spring. More importantly, I yearn for the […]

Homestead chickens: Lessons learned (Part 1)

When my wife Moira and I decided to raise homestead chickens we already had a fair amount of working knowledge. Building on a foundation of experience stemming from keeping backyard chickens for the last few years, we made the next step to raising a full on homestead chicken flock last year. That ‘step’ actually turned […]

How to easily fillet your bass: Tips from a Maine guide

Ice fishing season in northern Maine is in full swing. Lakes and ponds throughout the region are filling with ice shacks; die hard fisherman staking their claim on the ice like the frontier land rush settlers of yore. Augers have bored access to the lunkers waiting beneath the ice. The tip ups are being set […]

Trump tweet is much ado about nothing

Trump really crossed the line this time. His detractors, the Never Trump movement and liberals across America are up in arms over his latest statement. It’s hard to say if he can even rebound from such depravity. What did he do? He encouraged people to buy American. President-elect Donald Trump set the Twitter-verse afire when […]

3 easy ways you could break the law fishing in Maine

Ever since the introduction of laws regulating the taking of game and fish, people who rely on wild game for subsistence along with those who fish for sport have unwittingly broken those laws. What started out to be a reasonable and noble attempt at conserving wildlife has morphed into a complex bureaucracy replete with complicated […]

Wild: Life on the Ridge – Owls of Maine

Living in a sparsely populated region of northeast Maine has its many privileges. Watching wildlife in their natural surroundings is but one. It is also one of my most cherished. Owls of Maine is the first installment in a series of multimedia articles titled “Wild: Life on the Ridge” detailing the sights and sounds of local […]