Monthly Archives: December 2017

5 hot destinations for early ice fishing

For most anglers, ice fishing preparations are still under way. Shacks are being readied; tip ups are being checked and ice augers are being uncovered from a mountain of gear stowed in the shed. Most of the state’s waters open to ice fishing are still thickening and anticipation runs high. If you are one of […]

Maine bear hunters might get a second shot

This question on the survey really got my attention – “Currently you can harvest 2 bears, one while hunting and one while trapping. If the law allowed you to harvest two bears while hunting, would you attempt to harvest two bears?” I had no choice but to answer ‘yes’. There simply wasn’t an option for […]

Why you soon may be hearing shots in the dark

The first thought that may cross your mind when you hear the report of a rifle in the still of the night next week could be ‘Poachers!’ – But that may be jumping the gun. Maine’s night hunting season on coyote opens Saturday December 16th at 12:01 a.m. 

Beware of the Canada Mountain Bob-Lynx Lion

“I looked right out of this window…he was right down there at the bottom of that field. It wasn’t no coyote and it was for darn sure no house cat. It was way too big!” My neighbor down the ridge swore she saw one of Maine’s elusive mountain lions on the edge of her property […]

How sportsmen pay the way for wildlife management

When Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Regional Biologist Mark Caron pulled into my dooryard, I was processing the front quarters of the buck I had taken a few days earlier. As he got out of his truck and grabbed his gear, I jokingly remarked that it sure took him long enough. I ribbed him because […]